Tuesday, December 7, 2010

redneck Christmas

The comedian Jeff Foxworthy has a whole string of jokes that start as "You might be a redneck if.......". I remember the one that says "You might be a redneck if you buy your wife earrings that can be used as fishing lures." Does using Christmas ornaments as earrings and a bead strand from the tree as a necklace on a deer fit into the "you might be a redneck" category? Not quite sure? Well that fish to the left of the deer is not a real fish.

It is one of those rubber talking fish that moves it's head as it talks. They were all the rage years ago. This one is in fine shape and still talks and moves. Yeah, the talking rubber fish definitely tips the scales for a redneck Christmas. Can anyone outdo me in the redneck category? Just leave a comment. And no, I didn't get my wife earrings that can also be used as fishing lures for Christmas. Just how much of a redneck do you think I am. I got her a chop saw that is also a miter from the hardware store. Really! I don't know what else to get her. Enjoy the holiday season shopping for presents. Be good, Santa is coming. Lew


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